Saturday 28 January 2017

How to survive in Matricullation College

Hello guys...

for those who dont know me ...check out me at anywhere...hope u do find me

Lets start...

according to my experience ....

U have few things to do .... Tutorials,,Past year Ques ( sem exam & Mid Sem)...Lab reports...jotter page notes ( if u have to , but i do advice u to do ), filling blanks in lecture notes....extra ques..

so with soooo much things to do how will u have time for revising....i didnt i use to get frustrated...

I did the following....

1- pay attention in lectures...Give ur max during lectures....
 How_write what extra stuff lecturers giving besides lecture the lecture ques or examples given in the lecture notes....( Lecture notes ques are the easiest gives u confidence and better understanding trust me )

2-do tutorial ques by urself...try not to copy...this will test your understanding...

How to do tutorials....
1-read lecture notes
2-understand them (digest them)
4-if cant ...refer lecture notes
4.2...ask ur classmate..
5-its done...

3-revise minimum on weekends....

4-while labs..try to understand y r u conducting such experiment...
these experiment are chosen due to:
1-the toughness of the sub topic
2-ability of students to learn kinetically...

5-do one page notes for every chapter without it based on your understanding ...also amend after receiving  new inputs..

6-share the knowledge u have....

7-meet lecturers even though u have small confusions...dont be dum ...ask the lecturer to explain more...always be ready to learn out of syllabus...ur brains wont burst if u know lil more ... it always helps...

8-get reference from international reference books....ask lecturers to suggest ...these are lengthy but every word is worth reading ...can be easily retrieved from libraries..they have tones of these...

For any further questions do feel free to ask 
contact me through 
facebook....taher mamoola
au revoir

Experience of the First Sem...

Hello guys, I'm your host Taher,

MPPB week...activities....enjoy..

Assimilation revise our knowledge of SPM...

The real stuff begins...lengthy be honest..its fun though..tutorial classes...and interesting lab classes..

Notes will be given but as a bro i advice u to write notes..few advantages I experience ..wont fall asleep during lectures...remember stuff longer...

tutorials..i felt a pain in my back...
have to do the questions before u enter the classes till u have studied in the tutorial questions are over do the past year sem exams and mid term exams ques ....and past it in...

all ques are compiled in a book...the book is really handy dont loose it

Lab..its 2 hours in a week and its always ahead of the lectures....but dont worry the lecturer who is guiding u will teach u ....oh yea u have to do jotter book before u enter labs ...which is a drawings of ur procedures...if u dont get it ..its normal u will as soon as u have to do it....hheehhe good luck..  ;P
as ur expeiment fails do lab report...i said fails cause it always does...mine frankly failed most of the time ..i use to copy my report ..its good u save time ..but while copying dont take it all do have some changes...the lecturers are very skillful...

How to Copy anything...
1..... read
3...make sure its correct
4 ...copy..

Jotter book in detail..from 1-3 only as in the lab report...
its copying from lab manual( given by college)

lab report format...
3-table to write data ( most of the time lecturers give)
4-Calculation ( for phy and chem ,maybe bio also)
5-Discussion ( if its a success why ?, and as usual if its not why?)(paralax error,zero error, and hundreds more random errors hahaa)
6-Conclusion (rewrite your observation & final results)

Education is not getting A, its the change of attitude to be a better person 
qouted by Sir Shakir (Phy Lecturer, KMS)
Enjoy his classes, I am lucky I did....


Friday 9 September 2016

Pre- Matriculation Preparations

So, let’s start!


           Before you enter you are advice to do online registration, as this will help you at your first day you can skip several steps. Here is the link to the step how to do the online registeration.

Secondly, what should I bring?

For people like me who are going to stay in hostel by themselves for the first time you are given a list below:

textpad or A4 paper (for experimental use and assignment), Scientific -Calculator (If can FX-570 ES-PLUS), 2-3 A4 size books, (pen / pencil / eraser / liquid paper / ruler long and short),selotep, stapler, highliter, scissors, glue, files ( to store previous lecture notes, better if you have files by subject), Multifolder file (to store current lecture notes, tutorial question-answers, lab reports, assignments…)

- Mens only , cause i am not sure at all about ladies 
Shirts, Black Slacks, T-shirts, Colared T-Shirts, Trackbottoms, Jerseys (optional), Inner wear,…   

-Black leather Shoe only
-sport shoes
-Slippers, etc…

Personal care
-face wash, soap, Tooth paste / toothbrush, shampoo, Perfume, deodorant, (Nail clipper / earbuds / brush), towel, a small case to carry all items to bathroom, etc…

-hanger, Clothes bag/ Pail, detergent, brush, etc…

-Bed-sheet/ pillowcase,blanket, (extra pillow is allowed),alarm clock, Pad lock (cupboard), Sejadah, etc…

Food stocks
 Biscuit / bread, instant drink (Milo, Nescafe, etc… (3 in 1)), plate, bowl, mug, Tupperware, spoon, fork, knife, mineral water, thermos, water bottle

Panadol, plasters, insect repellent, etc…

handphone & charger, Laptop & charger (basically used mostly to watch movie, needed to do one group assignment for each subject per semester.


Forms required while registeration, Identity card of student and parents (just in case), SPM result slip, Koko Achievement Certificates (the highest only) (just needed while doing Koko classes), Passport size photo (minimum 8).


               Greetings, to all my beloved readers. Before I begin, I am Taher,
In chemistry lab last experiment of semester.
 I studied in SMC batch of 98’.I was in SMC in the 7th Batch (2016/17), One year program, Module 2 Lecture 2 Tutorial 5, (I will brief you on what the line before means soon down below). You are reading these blog and might have rad few other blogs I presume to know more about the (SMC).As you read the 47 words above I can easily assume that you are either chosen to be here or are applying to be here. There is nothing wrong in doing so, (I personally did it).Now, the motive of mine writing these blog is to give students and pre-view of SMC and help you decide what you should bring along. I would like to remind my precious reader that these suggestions, thought are based on experiences at my time at SMC, Hence any changes might have occurred at your time will not be my fault as not considered into the blog.

                From what I searched before entering the SMC the blogs were written 2-3 years before, which I couldn’t rely on as much. So these was written for especially for students near to these years.

SMC website for further information or inquiry: